Your Complete Nutrition Guide to Living With HIV/AIDS


With funding from the Ryan White Department of HIV Elimination, several of our RDNs collaborated to write this extensive guide for our HIV/AIDS clients.  While printed copies are available for those enrolled in our services, we wanted to ensure it was available online as well, providing equitable access to this crucial information for all.

Disclaimer: Registered Dietitian Nutritionists have carefully prepared this booklet. However, the booklet is prepared for informational purposes only and may not represent the needs for a particular individual managing HIV/AIDS. The booklet is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Each person should share this booklet with his or her medical provider or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in order to seek a professional opinion on individual nutritional needs. Never disregard the medical or nutritional advice of a medical provider or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist because of something you read in this booklet. The inclusion of any products or processes in this booklet does not represent an endorsement.